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10th Anniversary of AST

10th Anniversary of AST

The company was founded on the 2nd of February 2002, 10 years ago.

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1st Edition of the prizes for Degree Final Projects for Business Initiative

Registration period EXTENDED until the 6th of February 2012.

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The University controls the marine platform from the Science and Technology Park of Gijón

The academic institution will receive over three years a 9.5 million euro loan given by the Ministry and guaranteed by the Principality.

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ANSYS 2011 Regional Conference

Madrid, 22-23 November 2011

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NAFEMS Iberia Seminar 2011

New and future trends in simulation. Tuesday 20 October 2011 - Madrid

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Máster Internacional en Gestión de la Innovación y el Desarrollo Empresarial

V Edición de este Máster coordinado por el Club Asturiano de la Innovación

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Launching of EU TEC database

Launching of EU TEC database

EU TEC is a research project conducted by the Arquitectural Studio Ecosistema Urbano

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News Channel UNIOVI2+D

Many audiovisual productions of all the events related to the transfer of knowledge held within the university community.

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The ITV, like a meccano

Modultec, AST Ingeniería and OTA develop a modular construction system for the inspection pits of the ITV (Technical Inspection of Vehicles).

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Course “Material and structural element fatigue: Analysis and solutions”

Course “Material and structural element fatigue: Analysis and solutions”

AST collaborated in the aforementioned course in the XXVIII GEF Meeting of the Spanish Fracture Group, organised in Gijón from the 6th to the 8th of April 2011

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New facade systems and vegetal cover

AST, together with the engineering companies Ia3 and Tectum and also the construction company Garcia Rama are in the process of developing a project in the Atlantic Botanical Gardens of Gijón

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NAFEMS Iberia Seminar 2010

NAFEMS Iberia Seminar 2010

AST participated, with a presentation, in the NAFEMS Iberia seminar that took place in Madrid on November the 3rd 2010.

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AST presents its project in collaboration with the architectural studio Ecosistema Urbano.

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ICOE 2010

AST was present in the 2010 edition of the Conference and Exhibition on Marine Energy held from the 6th to the 8th of October in the BEC in Bilbao.

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“The role of engineering in innovation”

Gijón, 4th October 2010. Aula Magna- Aulario Sur. EPSIG. Campus de Gijón

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AST in FIDMA 2010

AST in FIDMA 2010

AST in the Chamber of Commerce stand in the Feria de Muestras de Asturias

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The Air Tree on CCTV

The popular Chinese television channel talks about the Air Tree in the Madrid Pavilion.

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NAFEMS seminar: The Challenges of New Advanced Simulation Techniques
Thursday 16 November 2023 | Madrid, Spain
Actualización en el registro de PYMES INNOVADORAS
AST recibe nuevamente el sello de PYME Innovadora
NRC22 Iberia
Register Today! 6 October 2022, Madrid Spain
La simulación aplicada a la resolución de problemas de ingeniería
NAFEMS Encuentros con un Experto Webinar Series. Martes, 25 de enero de 2022
Proyecto Convertidor en Isla
Investigación y desarrollo de un conversor de potencia que permite el autoconsumo de forma aislada, posibilitando almacenar la energía proveniente de una fuente renovable para un posterior consumo.